Music at UUCG

During COVID, we are intentionally reimagining our music program.
Currently, we have small groups of members of our choir singing at our outdoor services. 
Interested in participating?
Contact our office.

I want 4 sections on the music page:

  1. The top one “first we sing, then we understand” keep as is with our philosophy of music

  2. Musical offerings (detailed below, videos) 

  3. Join Chalice Choir (keep as is with my new edits)

  4. Other musicians



Virtual Choir:

This year, we have been flexible, creative, and responsive to the difficulties in making music together. Check out our virtual choir!

“First we sing, then we understand.” 

– Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972)

Music is an integral part of this faith community. Whether making music or simply being present to what is being offered, music helps us “unplug” from the routine of our lives and helps us connect to the spirit, to one another, to our deepest selves, and to our wider community. A wide variety of styles and theological perspectives are offered.

All are invited to join in making music. The entire community is enriched by the sharing of your gifts!





Join the Chalice Choir

Before Covid, the UUCG Chalice Choir sang most Sundays throughout the year. We are figuring out what’s next for our music program, and we are not sure what it will look like due to safety concerns. But we are a music-loving congregation, and that doesn’t change.

We have gone on retreats, sung in large music festivals all over the state, sung in small groups for church members in hospice, and led worship during our annual Music Sunday service. Would you like to be a part of what’s next?

Curious what it’s like to be a part of our group?

Interested musicians of all varieties (including singers and instrumentalists), wanting to share and participate in some way are asked to contact our office.