We offer our Exploring Membership classes most Sundays, right after our church service. If you’re interested in becoming a member or learning more about Unitarian Universalism and how our church works, we’d love to have you join us.
Exploring Membership is a series of four short classes that you can attend in any order, at your convenience:
Unitarian Universalism & Your Spiritual Journey
Religious Exploration
Faith in Action
Membership & Church Operations
No need to RSVP—join us at any time. We’re excited to see you!
By the end of the class, we hope that you have a clear understanding of Unitarian Universalism and the privileges and responsibilities of membership, as well as clear expectations around financial commitment. We provide a space for you to share about your own spiritual journey, connect with other new members, learn about what Unitarian Universalists believe and how those beliefs speak to your life, and find your home in this congregation. Whether you decide to join as a member or remain as a friend for the time being, we love spending time getting to know you!